Support Warning

WebGPU is currently only supported on Chrome starting with version 113, and only on desktop. If they don't work on your configuration, you can check the WebGL2 examples here.
//! This interactive example shows how to use distance fog,
//! and allows playing around with different fog settings.
//! ## Controls
//! | Key Binding        | Action                              |
//! |:-------------------|:------------------------------------|
//! | `1` / `2` / `3`    | Fog Falloff Mode                    |
//! | `A` / `S`          | Move Start Distance (Linear Fog)    |
//! |                    | Change Density (Exponential Fogs)   |
//! | `Z` / `X`          | Move End Distance (Linear Fog)      |
//! | `-` / `=`          | Adjust Fog Red Channel              |
//! | `[` / `]`          | Adjust Fog Green Channel            |
//! | `;` / `'`          | Adjust Fog Blue Channel             |
//! | `.` / `?`          | Adjust Fog Alpha Channel            |

use bevy::{
    pbr::{NotShadowCaster, NotShadowReceiver},

fn main() {
            (setup_camera_fog, setup_pyramid_scene, setup_instructions),
        .add_systems(Update, update_system)

fn setup_camera_fog(mut commands: Commands) {
        FogSettings {
            color: Color::srgb(0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
            falloff: FogFalloff::Linear {
                start: 5.0,
                end: 20.0,

fn setup_pyramid_scene(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
    let stone = materials.add(StandardMaterial {
        base_color: Srgba::hex("28221B").unwrap().into(),
        perceptual_roughness: 1.0,

    // pillars
    for (x, z) in &[(-1.5, -1.5), (1.5, -1.5), (1.5, 1.5), (-1.5, 1.5)] {
        commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
            mesh: meshes.add(Cuboid::new(1.0, 3.0, 1.0)),
            material: stone.clone(),
            transform: Transform::from_xyz(*x, 1.5, *z),

    // orb
        PbrBundle {
            mesh: meshes.add(Sphere::default()),
            material: materials.add(StandardMaterial {
                base_color: Srgba::hex("126212CC").unwrap().into(),
                reflectance: 1.0,
                perceptual_roughness: 0.0,
                metallic: 0.5,
                alpha_mode: AlphaMode::Blend,
            transform: Transform::from_scale(Vec3::splat(1.75))
                .with_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 4.0, 0.0)),

    // steps
    for i in 0..50 {
        let half_size = i as f32 / 2.0 + 3.0;
        let y = -i as f32 / 2.0;
        commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
            mesh: meshes.add(Cuboid::new(2.0 * half_size, 0.5, 2.0 * half_size)),
            material: stone.clone(),
            transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, y + 0.25, 0.0),

    // sky
    commands.spawn(PbrBundle {
        mesh: meshes.add(Cuboid::new(2.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
        material: materials.add(StandardMaterial {
            base_color: Srgba::hex("888888").unwrap().into(),
            unlit: true,
            cull_mode: None,
        transform: Transform::from_scale(Vec3::splat(1_000_000.0)),

    // light
    commands.spawn(PointLightBundle {
        transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
        point_light: PointLight {
            shadows_enabled: true,

fn setup_instructions(mut commands: Commands) {
        TextBundle::from_section("", TextStyle::default()).with_style(Style {
            position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
            top: Val::Px(12.0),
            left: Val::Px(12.0),

fn update_system(
    mut camera: Query<(&mut FogSettings, &mut Transform)>,
    mut text: Query<&mut Text>,
    time: Res<Time>,
    keycode: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
) {
    let now = time.elapsed_seconds();
    let delta = time.delta_seconds();

    let (mut fog, mut transform) = camera.single_mut();
    let mut text = text.single_mut();

    // Orbit camera around pyramid
    let orbit_scale = 8.0 + (now / 10.0).sin() * 7.0;
    *transform = Transform::from_xyz(
        (now / 5.0).cos() * orbit_scale,
        12.0 - orbit_scale / 2.0,
        (now / 5.0).sin() * orbit_scale,
    .looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y);

    // Fog Information
    text.sections[0].value = format!("Fog Falloff: {:?}\nFog Color: {:?}", fog.falloff, fog.color);

    // Fog Falloff Mode Switching
        .push_str("\n\n1 / 2 / 3 - Fog Falloff Mode");

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Digit1) {
        if let FogFalloff::Linear { .. } = fog.falloff {
            // No change
        } else {
            fog.falloff = FogFalloff::Linear {
                start: 5.0,
                end: 20.0,

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Digit2) {
        if let FogFalloff::Exponential { .. } = fog.falloff {
            // No change
        } else if let FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared { density } = fog.falloff {
            fog.falloff = FogFalloff::Exponential { density };
        } else {
            fog.falloff = FogFalloff::Exponential { density: 0.07 };

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Digit3) {
        if let FogFalloff::Exponential { density } = fog.falloff {
            fog.falloff = FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared { density };
        } else if let FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared { .. } = fog.falloff {
            // No change
        } else {
            fog.falloff = FogFalloff::Exponential { density: 0.07 };

    // Linear Fog Controls
    if let FogFalloff::Linear {
        ref mut start,
        ref mut end,
    } = &mut fog.falloff
            .push_str("\nA / S - Move Start Distance\nZ / X - Move End Distance");

        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
            *start -= delta * 3.0;
        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) {
            *start += delta * 3.0;
        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyZ) {
            *end -= delta * 3.0;
        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyX) {
            *end += delta * 3.0;

    // Exponential Fog Controls
    if let FogFalloff::Exponential { ref mut density } = &mut fog.falloff {
        text.sections[0].value.push_str("\nA / S - Change Density");

        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
            *density -= delta * 0.5 * *density;
            if *density < 0.0 {
                *density = 0.0;
        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) {
            *density += delta * 0.5 * *density;

    // ExponentialSquared Fog Controls
    if let FogFalloff::ExponentialSquared { ref mut density } = &mut fog.falloff {
        text.sections[0].value.push_str("\nA / S - Change Density");

        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyA) {
            *density -= delta * 0.5 * *density;
            if *density < 0.0 {
                *density = 0.0;
        if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::KeyS) {
            *density += delta * 0.5 * *density;

    // RGBA Controls
        .push_str("\n\n- / = - Red\n[ / ] - Green\n; / ' - Blue\n. / ? - Alpha");

    // We're performing various operations in the sRGB color space,
    // so we convert the fog color to sRGB here, then modify it,
    // and finally when we're done we can convert it back and set it.
    let mut fog_color = Srgba::from(fog.color);
    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Minus) { = ( - 0.1 * delta).max(0.0);

    if keycode.any_pressed([KeyCode::Equal, KeyCode::NumpadEqual]) { = ( + 0.1 * delta).min(1.0);

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::BracketLeft) { = ( - 0.1 * delta).max(0.0);

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::BracketRight) { = ( + 0.1 * delta).min(1.0);

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Semicolon) { = ( - 0.1 * delta).max(0.0);

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Quote) { = ( + 0.1 * delta).min(1.0);

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Period) {
        fog_color.alpha = (fog_color.alpha - 0.1 * delta).max(0.0);

    if keycode.pressed(KeyCode::Slash) {
        fog_color.alpha = (fog_color.alpha + 0.1 * delta).min(1.0);

    fog.color = Color::from(fog_color);