Support Warning

WebGPU is currently only supported on Chrome starting with version 113, and only on desktop. If they don't work on your configuration, you can check the WebGL2 examples here.

//! Shows how to create a custom [`Decodable`] type by implementing a Sine wave.

use bevy::{
    audio::{AddAudioSource, AudioPlugin, Source},

// This struct usually contains the data for the audio being played.
// This is where data read from an audio file would be stored, for example.
// This allows the type to be registered as an asset.
#[derive(Asset, TypePath)]
struct SineAudio {
    frequency: f32,
// This decoder is responsible for playing the audio,
// and so stores data about the audio being played.
struct SineDecoder {
    // how far along one period the wave is (between 0 and 1)
    current_progress: f32,
    // how much we move along the period every frame
    progress_per_frame: f32,
    // how long a period is
    period: f32,
    sample_rate: u32,

impl SineDecoder {
    fn new(frequency: f32) -> Self {
        // standard sample rate for most recordings
        let sample_rate = 44_100;
        SineDecoder {
            current_progress: 0.,
            progress_per_frame: frequency / sample_rate as f32,
            period: std::f32::consts::PI * 2.,

// The decoder must implement iterator so that it can implement `Decodable`.
impl Iterator for SineDecoder {
    type Item = f32;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        self.current_progress += self.progress_per_frame;
        // we loop back round to 0 to avoid floating point inaccuracies
        self.current_progress %= 1.;
        Some(ops::sin(self.period * self.current_progress))
// `Source` is what allows the audio source to be played by bevy.
// This trait provides information on the audio.
impl Source for SineDecoder {
    fn current_frame_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {

    fn channels(&self) -> u16 {

    fn sample_rate(&self) -> u32 {

    fn total_duration(&self) -> Option<Duration> {

// Finally `Decodable` can be implemented for our `SineAudio`.
impl Decodable for SineAudio {
    type DecoderItem = <SineDecoder as Iterator>::Item;

    type Decoder = SineDecoder;

    fn decoder(&self) -> Self::Decoder {

fn main() {
    let mut app = App::new();
    // register the audio source so that it can be used
    app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AudioPlugin {
        global_volume: GlobalVolume::new(0.2),
    .add_systems(Startup, setup)

fn setup(mut assets: ResMut<Assets<SineAudio>>, mut commands: Commands) {
    // add a `SineAudio` to the asset server so that it can be played
    let audio_handle = assets.add(SineAudio {
        frequency: 440., // this is the frequency of A4