This example is running in WebGL2 and should work in most browsers. You can check the WebGPU examples here.
//! This example shows how to manually render 2d items using "mid level render apis" with a custom
//! pipeline for 2d meshes.
//! It doesn't use the [`Material2d`] abstraction, but changes the vertex buffer to include vertex color.
//! Check out the "mesh2d" example for simpler / higher level 2d meshes.
//! [`Material2d`]: bevy::sprite::Material2d
use ;
use PI;
/// A marker component for colored 2d meshes
/// Custom pipeline for 2d meshes with vertex colors
// We implement `SpecializedPipeline` to customize the default rendering from `Mesh2dPipeline`
// This specifies how to render a colored 2d mesh
type DrawColoredMesh2d = ;
// The custom shader can be inline like here, included from another file at build time
// using `include_str!()`, or loaded like any other asset with `asset_server.load()`.
const COLORED_MESH2D_SHADER: &str = r"
// Import the standard 2d mesh uniforms and set their bind groups
#import bevy_sprite::mesh2d_functions
// The structure of the vertex buffer is as specified in `specialize()`
struct Vertex {
@builtin(instance_index) instance_index: u32,
@location(0) position: vec3<f32>,
@location(1) color: u32,
struct VertexOutput {
// The vertex shader must set the on-screen position of the vertex
@builtin(position) clip_position: vec4<f32>,
// We pass the vertex color to the fragment shader in location 0
@location(0) color: vec4<f32>,
/// Entry point for the vertex shader
fn vertex(vertex: Vertex) -> VertexOutput {
var out: VertexOutput;
// Project the world position of the mesh into screen position
let model = mesh2d_functions::get_world_from_local(vertex.instance_index);
out.clip_position = mesh2d_functions::mesh2d_position_local_to_clip(model, vec4<f32>(vertex.position, 1.0));
// Unpack the `u32` from the vertex buffer into the `vec4<f32>` used by the fragment shader
out.color = vec4<f32>((vec4<u32>(vertex.color) >> vec4<u32>(0u, 8u, 16u, 24u)) & vec4<u32>(255u)) / 255.0;
return out;
// The input of the fragment shader must correspond to the output of the vertex shader for all `location`s
struct FragmentInput {
// The color is interpolated between vertices by default
@location(0) color: vec4<f32>,
/// Entry point for the fragment shader
fn fragment(in: FragmentInput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
return in.color;
/// Plugin that renders [`ColoredMesh2d`]s
/// Handle to the custom shader with a unique random ID
/// Our custom pipeline needs its own instance storage
/// Extract the [`ColoredMesh2d`] marker component into the render app
/// Queue the 2d meshes marked with [`ColoredMesh2d`] using our custom pipeline and draw function