This example is running in WebGL2 and should work in most browsers. You can check the WebGPU examples here.
//! Shows how to create graphics that snap to the pixel grid by rendering to a texture in 2D
use ;
/// In-game resolution width.
const RES_WIDTH: u32 = 160;
/// In-game resolution height.
const RES_HEIGHT: u32 = 90;
/// Default render layers for pixel-perfect rendering.
/// You can skip adding this component, as this is the default.
const PIXEL_PERFECT_LAYERS: RenderLayers = layer;
/// Render layers for high-resolution rendering.
const HIGH_RES_LAYERS: RenderLayers = layer;
/// Low-resolution texture that contains the pixel-perfect world.
/// Canvas itself is rendered to the high-resolution world.
/// Camera that renders the pixel-perfect world to the [`Canvas`].
/// Camera that renders the [`Canvas`] (and other graphics on [`HIGH_RES_LAYERS`]) to the screen.
/// Spawns a capsule mesh on the pixel-perfect layer.
/// Rotates entities to demonstrate grid snapping.
/// Scales camera projection to fit the window (integer multiples only).