This example is running in WebGL2 and should work in most browsers. You can check the WebGPU examples here.
//! Demonstrates how to use transparency in 3D.
//! Shows the effects of different blend modes.
//! The `fade_transparency` system smoothly changes the transparency over time.
use ;
/// Fades the alpha channel of all materials between 0 and 1 over time.
/// Each blend mode responds differently to this:
/// - [`Opaque`](AlphaMode::Opaque): Ignores alpha channel altogether, these materials stay completely opaque.
/// - [`Mask(f32)`](AlphaMode::Mask): Object appears when the alpha value goes above the mask's threshold, disappears
/// when the alpha value goes back below the threshold.
/// - [`Blend`](AlphaMode::Blend): Object fades in and out smoothly.
/// - [`AlphaToCoverage`](AlphaMode::AlphaToCoverage): Object fades in and out
/// in steps corresponding to the number of multisample antialiasing (MSAA)
/// samples in use. For example, assuming 8xMSAA, the object will be
/// completely opaque, then will be 7/8 opaque (1/8 transparent), then will be
/// 6/8 opaque, then 5/8, etc.