UI (User Interface) / Relative Cursor Position

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This example is running in WebGL2 and should work in most browsers. You can check the WebGPU examples here.

//! Showcases the [`RelativeCursorPosition`] component, used to check the position of the cursor relative to a UI node.

use bevy::{
    prelude::*, render::camera::Viewport, ui::RelativeCursorPosition, winit::WinitSettings,

fn main() {
        // Only run the app when there is user input. This will significantly reduce CPU/GPU use.
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)
        .add_systems(Update, relative_cursor_position_system)

fn setup(mut commands: Commands, asset_server: Res<AssetServer>) {
    commands.spawn(Camera2dBundle {
        camera: Camera {
            // Cursor position will take the viewport offset into account
            viewport: Some(Viewport {
                physical_position: [200, 100].into(),
                physical_size: [600, 600].into(),

        .spawn(NodeBundle {
            style: Style {
                width: Val::Percent(100.),
                height: Val::Percent(100.0),
                align_items: AlignItems::Center,
                justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
                flex_direction: FlexDirection::Column,
        .with_children(|parent| {
                .spawn(NodeBundle {
                    style: Style {
                        width: Val::Px(250.),
                        height: Val::Px(250.),
                        margin: UiRect::bottom(Val::Px(15.)),
                    background_color: Color::srgb(235., 35., 12.).into(),

            parent.spawn(TextBundle {
                text: Text::from_section(
                    "(0.0, 0.0)",
                    TextStyle {
                        font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraSans-Bold.ttf"),
                        font_size: 40.0,
                        color: Color::srgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9),

/// This systems polls the relative cursor position and displays its value in a text component.
fn relative_cursor_position_system(
    relative_cursor_position_query: Query<&RelativeCursorPosition>,
    mut output_query: Query<&mut Text>,
) {
    let relative_cursor_position = relative_cursor_position_query.single();

    let mut output = output_query.single_mut();

    output.sections[0].value =
        if let Some(relative_cursor_position) = relative_cursor_position.normalized {
                "({:.1}, {:.1})",
                relative_cursor_position.x, relative_cursor_position.y
        } else {

    output.sections[0].style.color = if relative_cursor_position.mouse_over() {
        Color::srgb(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
    } else {
        Color::srgb(0.9, 0.1, 0.1)