UI (User Interface) / UI Z-Index

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This example is running in WebGL2 and should work in most browsers. You can check the WebGPU examples here.

//! Demonstrates how to use the z-index component on UI nodes to control their relative depth
//! It uses colored boxes with different z-index values to demonstrate how it can affect the order of
//! depth of nodes compared to their siblings, but also compared to the entire UI.

use bevy::{
    color::palettes::basic::{BLUE, GRAY, LIME, PURPLE, RED, YELLOW},

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {

    // spawn the container with default z-index.
    // the default z-index value is `ZIndex::Local(0)`.
    // because this is a root UI node, using local or global values will do the same thing.
        .spawn(NodeBundle {
            style: Style {
                width: Val::Percent(100.),
                height: Val::Percent(100.),
                align_items: AlignItems::Center,
                justify_content: JustifyContent::Center,
        .with_children(|parent| {
                .spawn(NodeBundle {
                    background_color: GRAY.into(),
                    style: Style {
                        width: Val::Px(180.0),
                        height: Val::Px(100.0),
                .with_children(|parent| {
                    // spawn a node with default z-index.
                    parent.spawn(NodeBundle {
                        background_color: RED.into(),
                        style: Style {
                            position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
                            left: Val::Px(10.0),
                            bottom: Val::Px(40.0),
                            width: Val::Px(100.0),
                            height: Val::Px(50.0),

                    // spawn a node with a positive local z-index of 2.
                    // it will show above other nodes in the gray container.
                    parent.spawn(NodeBundle {
                        z_index: ZIndex::Local(2),
                        background_color: BLUE.into(),
                        style: Style {
                            position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
                            left: Val::Px(45.0),
                            bottom: Val::Px(30.0),
                            width: Val::Px(100.),
                            height: Val::Px(50.),

                    // spawn a node with a negative local z-index.
                    // it will show under other nodes in the gray container.
                    parent.spawn(NodeBundle {
                        z_index: ZIndex::Local(-1),
                        background_color: LIME.into(),
                        style: Style {
                            position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
                            left: Val::Px(70.0),
                            bottom: Val::Px(20.0),
                            width: Val::Px(100.),
                            height: Val::Px(75.),

                    // spawn a node with a positive global z-index of 1.
                    // it will show above all other nodes, because it's the highest global z-index in this example.
                    // by default, boxes all share the global z-index of 0 that the gray container is added to.
                    parent.spawn(NodeBundle {
                        z_index: ZIndex::Global(1),
                        background_color: PURPLE.into(),
                        style: Style {
                            position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
                            left: Val::Px(15.0),
                            bottom: Val::Px(10.0),
                            width: Val::Px(100.),
                            height: Val::Px(60.),

                    // spawn a node with a negative global z-index of -1.
                    // this will show under all other nodes including its parent, because it's the lowest global z-index
                    // in this example.
                    parent.spawn(NodeBundle {
                        z_index: ZIndex::Global(-1),
                        background_color: YELLOW.into(),
                        style: Style {
                            position_type: PositionType::Absolute,
                            left: Val::Px(-15.0),
                            bottom: Val::Px(-15.0),
                            width: Val::Px(100.),
                            height: Val::Px(125.),