Reporting Issues

Bevy tracks bugs and feature requests using GitHub Issues, which is an issue tracker and discussion space. You can find Bevy's issue page here, and Bevy's website's issue page here, where you can navigate, filter, and view individual issues.

When to File an Issue

Issues are great for formally tracking the progress of bugs and features. Here are some scenarios where you may choose to use issues:

  • You want to receive feedback and ideas before writing code for Bevy.
  • You are not sure what is causing a bug, or how to fix it.
  • You do not have the capacity to work on the change, but want to make it known to others.
  • The change may be controversial, and needs input from Subject Matter Experts and / or Maintainers before going forward.
  • You want to track a collection of features in a singular place.
    • This is known as a tracking issue, and has a dedicated label just for it!

When in doubt, prefer creating an issue over immediately opening a pull request. This allows community members to weigh in before you spend time on work that may be unnecessary.

Before submitting an issue, please check that it has not already been created. GitHub Search is fairly good at finding similar issues based on keywords. If you do find an existing issue, please comment on it instead of creating a duplicate.

When to Create a Discussion Instead

The Bevy repository also has GitHub Discussions enabled. Here are some scenarios where you may want to create a discussion post instead of an issue:

  • You have a question about using Bevy.
  • You have an idea on how to improve Bevy.
    • This is less formal than creating an issue, and should be preferred if the idea is vague.
  • You want to discuss the design of an aspect of Bevy.