Migration Guide: 0.6 to 0.7

ParamSet for conflicting SystemParam #

// 0.6
fn system(
    mut transforms: QuerySet<(
        QueryState<&mut Transform, With<Marker>>,
) {
    for transform in transforms.q1().iter() {
        // ...
// 0.7
fn system(
    mut transforms: ParamSet<(
        Query<&mut Transform, With<Marker>>,
) {
    for transform in transforms.p1().iter() {
        // ...

AliasedMutability #

The QueryEntityError enum now has a AliasedMutability variant, and returns the offending entity.

Remove margins.rs #

The Margins type was removed. To migrate, replace every occurrence of Margins with Rect.

Remove face_toward.rs #

The FaceToward trait was removed. To migrate, replace every occurrence of Mat4::face_toward to Mat4::look_at_rh.

World::entities_mut is now unsafe #

// 0.6

// 0.7
unsafe { world.entities_mut() }

Custom vertex attributes #

Custom vertex attributes are now referenced by a MeshVertexAttribute rather than a simple string and set_attribute has been renamed to insert_attribute better reflect its behavior.

// 0.6
mesh.set_attribute("Vertex_Custom", VertexAttributeValues::Sint32x4(vec![]));

// 0.7
// Generate your own "high" random usize identifier here.
// https://play.rust-lang.org/?gist=f40a801c124befef4a8270f6b011f275
pub const ATTRIBUTE_CUSTOM: MeshVertexAttribute =
    MeshVertexAttribute::new("Custom", 3046527323, VertexFormat::Sint32x4);

Mesh vertex buffer layouts #

Vertex buffers no longer need to be manually laid out with offset and stride values in a RenderPipelineDescriptor.

// 0.6
let vertex_buffer_layout = VertexBufferLayout {
    array_stride: 20,
    step_mode: VertexStepMode::Vertex,
    attributes: vec![
        VertexAttribute {
            format: VertexFormat::Float32x3,
            offset: 0,
            shader_location: 0,
        VertexAttribute {
            format: VertexFormat::Float32x2,
            offset: 12,
            shader_location: 1,

// 0.7
let mut formats = vec![
let vertex_layout = VertexBufferLayout::from_vertex_formats(VertexStepMode::Vertex, formats);

Remove the need for 'IntoSystem::into_system()' when using run criteria piping #

// 0.6

// 0.7
.with_run_criteria(RunCriteria::pipe("is_done_label", inverse))

Remove RunSystem #

You probably should not have been using RunSystem or ParamSystem, but if you were and you really need it, please make sure to let us know by creating a new discussion.

Replace VSync with PresentMode #

Instead of using a boolean flag for vsync we switched to using a PresentMode enum with multiple variants.

// 0.6
    .insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
        vsync: false,

// 0.7
use bevy::window::PresentMode;

    .insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
        present_mode: PresentMode::Immediate,

Fix mul_vec3 tranformation order #

Transforms are now consistently applied in the standard scale -> rotate -> translate. This doesn't require any code changes unless you had something to handle the wrong behaviour, but it means SpriteBundle will now behave as expected when rotating.

Use marker components for cameras instead of name strings #

// 0.6
pub const FIRST_PASS_CAMERA: &str = "first_pass_camera";
fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    commands.spawn_bundle(PerspectiveCameraBundle {
        camera: Camera {
            name: Some(FIRST_PASS_CAMERA.to_string()),
        transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 15.0))
            .looking_at(Vec3::default(), Vec3::Y),

fn camera_system(cameras: Query<&Camera>) {
    for camera in cameras.iter() {
        if camera.name == Some(FIRST_PASS_CAMERA.to_string()) {
            // Do something with a camera

// 0.7
#[derive(Component, Default)]
pub struct FirstPassCamera;

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    commands.spawn_bundle(PerspectiveCameraBundle::<FirstPassCamera> {
        camera: Camera::default(),
        transform: Transform::from_translation(Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 15.0))
            .looking_at(Vec3::default(), Vec3::Y),

fn camera_system(cameras: Query<&Camera, With<FirstPassCamera>>) {
    for camera in cameras.iter() {
        // Do something with camera

Remove the config API #

// 0.6
struct Config(u32);

fn local_is_42(local: Local<Config>) {
    assert_eq!(*local.0, 42);

fn main() {
        .add_system(local_is_42.config(|params| params.0 = Some(Config(42))))

// 0.7
fn local_is_42(local: u32) -> impl FnMut() {
    // This closure will be the system that will be executed
    move || {
        assert_eq!(local, 42);

fn main() {

Cameras now point at RenderTarget rather than Window #

This change was made to support rendering to textures. Users working with multiple windows may be affected.

// 0.6
commands.spawn_bundle(PerspectiveCameraBundle {
    camera: Camera {
        window: window_id,

// 0.7
commands.spawn_bundle(PerspectiveCameraBundle {
    camera: Camera {
        target: RenderTarget::Window(window_id),

Implement init_resource for Commands and World #

Methods that deal with inserting resources were reworked for consistency between the Commands and Worlds APIs.

The breaking change is that World::insert_non_send was renamed to World::insert_non_send_resource.

// 0.6
world.insert_non_send(Score { score: 0 });

// 0.7
world.insert_non_send_resource(Score { score: 0 });

Infallible resource getters #

// 0.6
let score = world.get_resource::<Score>().unwrap();

// 0.7
let score = world.resource::<Score>();

Event handling types are no longer re-exported from bevy_app #

This only affects users who were importing these types directly from bevy_app and not through bevy's prelude.

// 0.6
use bevy::app::{EventId, EventReader, EventWriter, Events, ManualEventReader};

// 0.7
use bevy::ecs::event::{EventId, EventReader, EventWriter, Events, ManualEventReader};