Migration Guides

Migration Guide: 0.8 to 0.9

Before migrating make sure to run rustup update

Bevy relies heavily on improvements in the Rust language and compiler. As a result, the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is "the latest stable release" of Rust.

Make Resource trait opt-in, requiring #[derive(Resource)] V2 #

Add #[derive(Resource)] to all types you are using as a resource.

If you are using a third party type as a resource, wrap it in a tuple struct to bypass orphan rules. Consider deriving Deref and DerefMut to improve ergonomics.

ClearColor no longer implements Component. Using ClearColor as a component in 0.8 did nothing. Use the ClearColorConfig in the Camera3d and Camera2d components instead.

Plugins own their settings. Rework PluginGroup trait. #

The WindowDescriptor settings have been moved from a resource to WindowPlugin::window:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
  .insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
    width: 400.0,

// New (Bevy 0.9)
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
  window: WindowDescriptor {
    width: 400.0,

The AssetServerSettings resource has been removed in favor of direct AssetPlugin configuration:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
  .insert_resource(AssetServerSettings {
    watch_for_changes: true,

// New (Bevy 0.9)
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin {
  watch_for_changes: true,

add_plugins_with has been replaced by add_plugins in combination with the builder pattern:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
app.add_plugins_with(DefaultPlugins, |group| group.disable::<AssetPlugin>());

// New (Bevy 0.9)

PluginGroupBuilder and the PluginGroup trait have also been reworked.

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
impl PluginGroup for HelloWorldPlugins {
    fn build(&mut self, group: &mut PluginGroupBuilder) {

// New (Bevy 0.9)
impl PluginGroup for HelloWorldPlugins {
    fn build(self) -> PluginGroupBuilder {

Use plugin setup for resource only used at setup time #

The LogSettings settings have been moved from a resource to LogPlugin configuration:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
  .insert_resource(LogSettings {
    level: Level::DEBUG,
    filter: "wgpu=error,bevy_render=info,bevy_ecs=trace".to_string(),

// New (Bevy 0.9)
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(LogPlugin {
    level: Level::DEBUG,
    filter: "wgpu=error,bevy_render=info,bevy_ecs=trace".to_string(),

The ImageSettings settings have been moved from a resource to ImagePlugin configuration:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)

// New (Bevy 0.9)

The DefaultTaskPoolOptions settings have been moved from a resource to CorePlugin::task_pool_options:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)

// New (Bevy 0.9)
app.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(CorePlugin {
  task_pool_options: TaskPoolOptions::with_num_threads(4),

Remove AssetServer::watch_for_changes() #

AssetServer::watch_for_changes() was removed. Instead, set it directly on the AssetPlugin.

  .add_plugin(DefaultPlugins.set(AssetPlugin {
    watch_for_changes: true,

Spawn now takes a Bundle #

// Old (0.8):
  .insert_bundle((A, B, C));
// New (0.9)
commands.spawn((A, B, C));

// Old (0.8):
commands.spawn_bundle((A, B, C));
// New (0.9)
commands.spawn((A, B, C));

// Old (0.8):
let entity = commands.spawn().id();
// New (0.9)
let entity = commands.spawn_empty().id();

// Old (0.8)
let entity = world.spawn().id();
// New (0.9)
let entity = world.spawn_empty().id();

Accept Bundles for insert and remove. Deprecate insert/remove_bundle #

Replace insert_bundle with insert:

// Old (0.8)
// New (0.9)

Replace remove_bundle with remove:

// Old (0.8)
// New (0.9)

Replace remove_bundle_intersection with remove_intersection:

// Old (0.8)
// New (0.9)

Consider consolidating as many operations as possible to improve ergonomics and cut down on archetype moves:

// Old (0.8)

// New (0.9) - Option 1

// New (0.9) - Option 2

Implement Bundle for Component. Use Bundle tuples for insertion #

The #[bundle] attribute is no longer required when deriving Bundle for nested bundles.

struct PlayerBundle {
    #[bundle] // Remove this line
    sprite_bundle: SpriteBundle,
    collider: Collider,

Replace the bool argument of Timer with TimerMode #

  • Replace Timer::new(duration, false) with Timer::new(duration, TimerMode::Once).
  • Replace Timer::new(duration, true) with Timer::new(duration, TimerMode::Repeating).
  • Replace Timer::from_seconds(seconds, false) with Timer::from_seconds(seconds, TimerMode::Once).
  • Replace Timer::from_seconds(seconds, true) with Timer::from_seconds(seconds, TimerMode::Repeating).
  • Change timer.repeating() to timer.mode() == TimerMode::Repeating.

Add global time scaling #

Some Time methods were renamed for consistency.

The values returned by most methods are now scaled by a value optionally set with set_relative_speed. Most systems should continue to use these scaled values. If you need unscaled time, use the new methods prefixed with raw_.

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
let dur: Duration = time.time_since_startup();
let secs: f32 = time.time_since_startup().as_secs_f32();
let secs: f64 = time.seconds_since_startup();

// New (Bevy 0.9)
let dur: Duration = time.elapsed();
let secs: f32 = time.elapsed_seconds();
let secs: f64 = time.elapsed_seconds_f64();

Change UI coordinate system to have origin at top left corner #

All flex layout should be inverted (ColumnReverse => Column, FlexStart => FlexEnd, WrapReverse => Wrap) System where dealing with cursor position should be changed to account for cursor position being based on the top left instead of bottom left

Rename UiColor to BackgroundColor #

UiColor has been renamed to BackgroundColor. This change affects NodeBundle, ButtonBundle and ImageBundle. In addition, the corresponding field on ExtractedUiNode has been renamed to background_color for consistency.

Make the default background color of NodeBundle transparent #

If you want a NodeBundle with a white background color, you must explicitly specify it:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
let node = NodeBundle {

// New (Bevy 0.9)
let node = NodeBundle {
    background_color: Color::WHITE.into(),

Clarify bevy::ui::Node field and documentation #

All references to the old size name has been changed, to access bevy::ui::Node size field use calculated_size

Remove Size and UiRect generics #

The generic T of Size and UiRect got removed and instead they both now always use Val. If you used a Size<f32> consider replacing it with a Vec2 which is way more powerful.

Remove margins.rs #

The Margins type got removed. To migrate you just have to change every occurrence of Margins to UiRect.

Move Size to bevy_ui #

The Size type got moved from bevy::math to bevy::ui. To migrate you just have to import bevy::ui::Size instead of bevy::math::Math or use the bevy::prelude instead.

Move Rect to bevy_ui and rename it to UiRect #

The Rect type got renamed to UiRect. To migrate you just have to change every occurrence of Rect to UiRect.

Move sprite::Rect into bevy_math #

The bevy::sprite::Rect type moved to the math utility crate as bevy::math::Rect. You should change your imports from use bevy::sprite::Rect to use bevy::math::Rect.

Exclusive Systems Now Implement System. Flexible Exclusive System Params #

Calling .exclusive_system() is no longer required (or supported) for converting exclusive system functions to exclusive systems:

// Old (0.8)
// New (0.9)

Converting “normal” parallel systems to exclusive systems is done by calling the exclusive ordering apis:

// Old (0.8)
// New (0.9)

Query state in exclusive systems can now be cached via ExclusiveSystemParams, which should be preferred for clarity and performance reasons:

// Old (0.8)
fn some_system(world: &mut World) {
  let mut transforms = world.query::<&Transform>();
  for transform in transforms.iter(world) {
// New (0.9)
fn some_system(world: &mut World, transforms: &mut QueryState<&Transform>) {
  for transform in transforms.iter(world) {

The IntoExclusiveSystem trait was removed. Use IntoSystem instead.

The ExclusiveSystemDescriptorCoercion trait was removed. You can delete any imports of it.

Merge TextureAtlas::from_grid_with_padding into TextureAtlas::from_grid through option arguments #

TextureAtlas::from_grid_with_padding was merged into from_grid which takes two additional parameters for padding and an offset.

// 0.8
TextureAtlas::from_grid(texture_handle, Vec2::new(24.0, 24.0), 7, 1);
// 0.9
TextureAtlas::from_grid(texture_handle, Vec2::new(24.0, 24.0), 7, 1, None, None)

// 0.8
TextureAtlas::from_grid_with_padding(texture_handle, Vec2::new(24.0, 24.0), 7, 1, Vec2::new(4.0, 4.0));
// 0.9
TextureAtlas::from_grid(texture_handle, Vec2::new(24.0, 24.0), 7, 1, Some(Vec2::new(4.0, 4.0)), None)

Rename play to start and add new play method that won't overwrite the existing animation if it's already playing #

If you were using play to restart an animation that was already playing, that functionality has been moved to start. Now, play won’t have any effect if the requested animation is already playing.

Change gamepad.rs tuples to normal structs #

The Gamepad, GamepadButton, GamepadAxis, GamepadEvent and GamepadEventRaw types are now normal structs instead of tuple structs and have a new() function. To migrate change every instantiation to use the new() function instead and use the appropriate field names instead of .0 and .1.

Add getters and setters for InputAxis and ButtonSettings #

AxisSettings now has a new(), which may return an AxisSettingsError. AxisSettings fields made private; now must be accessed through getters and setters. There’s a dead zone, from .deadzone_upperbound() to .deadzone_lowerbound(), and a live zone, from .deadzone_upperbound() to .livezone_upperbound() and from .deadzone_lowerbound() to .livezone_lowerbound(). AxisSettings setters no longer panic. ButtonSettings fields made private; now must be accessed through getters and setters. ButtonSettings now has a new(), which may return a ButtonSettingsError.

Add GamepadInfo, expose gamepad names #

  • Pattern matches on GamepadEventType::Connected will need to be updated, as the form of the variant has changed.
  • Code that requires GamepadEvent, GamepadEventRaw or GamepadEventType to be Copy will need to be updated.

Gamepad type is Copy; do not require / return references to it in Gamepads API #

  • Gamepads::iter now returns an iterator of Gamepad. rather than an iterator of &Gamepad.
  • Gamepads::contains now accepts a Gamepad, rather than a &Gamepad.

Update wgpu to 0.14.0, naga to 0.10.0, winit to 0.27.4, raw-window-handle to 0.5.0, ndk to 0.7 #

Adjust usage of bevy_window::WindowDescriptor’s cursor_locked to cursor_grab_mode, and adjust its type from bool to bevy_window::CursorGrabMode.

Support monitor selection for all window modes. #

MonitorSelection was moved out of WindowPosition::Centered, into WindowDescriptor. MonitorSelection::Number was renamed to MonitorSelection::Index.

// Before
.insert_resource(WindowDescriptor {
    position: WindowPosition::Centered(MonitorSelection::Number(1)),
// After
.add_plugins(DefaultPlugins.set(WindowPlugin {
    window: WindowDescriptor {
        monitor: MonitorSelection::Index(1),
        position: WindowPosition::Centered,

Window::set_position now takes a MonitorSelection as argument.

window.set_position(MonitorSelection::Current, position);

Rename system chaining to system piping #

The .chain(handler_system) method on systems is now .pipe(handler_system). The IntoChainSystem trait is now IntoPipeSystem, and the ChainSystem struct is now PipeSystem.

Add associated constant IDENTITY to Transform and friends. #

The method identity() on Transform, GlobalTransform and TransformBundle has been removed. Use the associated constant IDENTITY instead.

Rename Transform::mul_vec3 to transform_point and improve docs #

Transform::mul_vec3 has been renamed to transform_point.

Remove Transform::apply_non_uniform_scale #

Transform::apply_non_uniform_scale has been removed. It can be replaced with the following snippet:

transform.scale *= scale_factor;

Remove face_toward.rs #

The FaceToward trait got removed. To migrate you just have to change every occurrence of Mat4::face_toward to Mat4::look_at_rh.

Replace WorldQueryGats trait with actual gats #

Replace usage of WorldQueryGats assoc types with the actual gats on WorldQuery trait

Add a method for accessing the width of a Table #

Any use of Table::len should now be Table::entity_count. Any use of Table::capacity should now be Table::entity_capacity.

Make Handle::<T> field id private, and replace with a getter #

If you were accessing the value handle.id, you can now do so with handle.id()

Add TimeUpdateStrategy resource for manual Time updating #

Changes the value reported by time.delta() on startup.

Before it would be [0, 0, correct] and this PR changes it to be [0, "approximately the time between the time_system and present_frame", correct].

Add methods for silencing system-order ambiguity warnings #

Ambiguity sets have been replaced with a simpler API.

// These systems technically conflict, but we don't care which order they run in.
fn jump_on_click(mouse: Res<Input<MouseButton>>, mut transforms: Query<&mut Transform>) { ... }
fn jump_on_spacebar(keys: Res<Input<KeyCode>>, mut transforms: Query<&mut Transform>) { ... }

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
struct JumpSystems;


// New (Bevy 0.9)

Remove unused DepthCalculation enum #

Remove references to bevy_render::camera::DepthCalculation, such as use bevy_render::camera::DepthCalculation. Remove depth_calculation fields from Projections.

Make raw_window_handle field in Window and ExtractedWindow an Option. #

Window::raw_window_handle() now returns Option<RawWindowHandleWrapper>.

Fix inconsistent children removal behavior #

  • Queries with Changed<Children> will no longer match entities that had all of their children removed using remove_children.
  • RemovedComponents<Children> will now contain entities that had all of their children removed using remove_children.

Entity's “ID” should be named “index” instead #

The Entity::id() method was renamed to Entity::index().

Remove ExactSizeIterator from QueryCombinationIter #

len is no longer implemented for QueryCombinationIter. You can get the same value with size_hint().0, but be aware that values exceeding usize::MAX will be returned as usize::MAX.

Query filter types must be ReadOnlyWorldQuery #

Query filter (F) generics are now bound by ReadOnlyWorldQuery, rather than WorldQuery. If for some reason you were requesting Query<&A, &mut B>, please use Query<&A, With<B>> instead.

Add pop method for List trait. #

Any custom type that implements the List trait will now need to implement the pop method.

Remove an outdated workaround for impl Trait #

The methods Schedule::get_stage and get_stage_mut now accept impl StageLabel instead of &dyn StageLabel.

Add a change detection bypass and manual control over change ticks #

Add the Inner associated type and new methods to any type that you’ve implemented DetectChanges for.

Make internal struct ShaderData non-pub #

Removed ShaderData from the public API, which was only ever used internally. No public function was using it so there should be no need for any migration action.

Make Children constructor pub(crate). #

Children::with() is now renamed Children::from_entities() and is now pub(crate)

Rename Handle::as_weak() to cast_weak() #

  • Rename Handle::as_weak uses to Handle::cast_weak

The method now properly sets the associated type uuid if the handle is a direct reference (e.g. not a reference to an AssetPath), so adjust you code accordingly if you relied on the previous behavior.

Remove Sync bound from Local #

Any code relying on Local<T> having T: Resource may have to be changed, but this is unlikely.

Add FromWorld bound to T in Local<T> #

It might be possible for references to Locals without T: FromWorld to exist, but these should be exceedingly rare and probably dead code. In the event that one of these is encountered, the easiest solutions are to delete the code or wrap the inner T in an Option to allow it to be default constructed to None.

This may also have other smaller implications (such as Debug representation), but serialization is probably the most prominent.

Swap out num_cpus for std::thread::available_parallelism #

bevy_tasks::logical_core_count and bevy_tasks::physical_core_count have been removed. logical_core_count has been replaced with bevy_tasks::available_parallelism, which works identically. If bevy_tasks::physical_core_count is required, the num_cpus crate can be used directly, as these two were just aliases for num_cpus APIs.

Changed diagnostics from seconds to milliseconds #

Diagnostics values are now in milliseconds. If you need seconds, simply divide it by 1000.0;

Add Exponential Moving Average into diagnostics #

LogDiagnosticsPlugin now records the smoothed value rather than the raw value.

  • For diagnostics recorded less often than every 0.1 seconds, this change to defaults will have no visible effect.
  • For discrete diagnostics where this smoothing is not desirable, set a smoothing factor of 0 to disable smoothing.
  • The average of the recent history is still shown when available.

Nested spawns on scope #

If you were using explicit lifetimes and Passing Scope you’ll need to specify two lifetimes now.

// 0.8
fn scoped_function<'scope>(scope: &mut Scope<'scope, ()>) {}

// 0.9
fn scoped_function<'scope>(scope: &Scope<'_, 'scope, ()>) {}

scope.spawn_local changed to scope.spawn_on_scope this should cover cases where you needed to run tasks on the local thread, but does not cover spawning Nonsend Futures. Spawning of NonSend futures on scope is no longer supported.

Extract Resources into their own dedicated storage #

Resources have been moved to Resources under Storages in World. All code dependent on Archetype::unique_components(_mut) should access it via world.storages().resources() instead.

All APIs accessing the raw data of individual resources (mutable and read-only) have been removed as these APIs allowed for unsound unsafe code. All usages of these APIs should be changed to use World::{get, insert, remove}_resource.

Clean up Fetch code #

Changed: Fetch::table_fetch and Fetch::archetype_fetch have been merged into a single Fetch::fetch function.

Rename ElementState to ButtonState #

The ElementState type received a rename and is now called ButtonState. To migrate you just have to change every occurrence of ElementState to ButtonState.

Fix incorrect and unnecessary normal-mapping code #

prepare_normal from the bevy_pbr::pbr_functions shader import has been reworked.


    pbr_input.world_normal = in.world_normal;

    pbr_input.N = prepare_normal(


    pbr_input.world_normal = prepare_world_normal(
        (material.flags & STANDARD_MATERIAL_FLAGS_DOUBLE_SIDED_BIT) != 0u,

    pbr_input.N = apply_normal_mapping(

Scene serialization format improvements from #6354, #6345, and #5723 #

  • The root of the scene is now a struct rather than a list
  • Components are now a map keyed by type name rather than a list
  • Type information is now omitted when possible, making scenes much more compact

Scenes serialized with Bevy 0.8 will need to be recreated, but it is possible to hand-edit scenes to match the new format.

Here's an example scene in the old and new format:

// Old (Bevy 0.8)
    entity: 0,
    components: [
        "type": "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform",
        "struct": {
          "translation": {
            "type": "glam::vec3::Vec3",
            "value": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
          "rotation": {
            "type": "glam::quat::Quat",
            "value": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
          "scale": {
            "type": "glam::vec3::Vec3",
            "value": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
        "type": "scene::ComponentB",
        "struct": {
          "value": {
            "type": "alloc::string::String",
            "value": "hello",
        "type": "scene::ComponentA",
        "struct": {
          "x": {
            "type": "f32",
            "value": 1.0,
          "y": {
            "type": "f32",
            "value": 2.0,
    entity: 1,
    components: [
        "type": "scene::ComponentA",
        "struct": {
          "x": {
            "type": "f32",
            "value": 3.0,
          "y": {
            "type": "f32",
            "value": 4.0,

// New (Bevy 0.9)
  entities: {
    0: (
      components: {
        "bevy_transform::components::transform::Transform": (
          translation: (
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            z: 0.0
          rotation: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
          scale: (
            x: 1.0,
            y: 1.0,
            z: 1.0
        "scene::ComponentB": (
          value: "hello",
        "scene::ComponentA": (
          x: 1.0,
          y: 2.0,
    1: (
      components: {
        "scene::ComponentA": (
          x: 3.0,
          y: 4.0,

Derive Reflect + FromReflect for input types #

  • Input<T> now implements Reflect via #[reflect] instead of #[reflect_value]. This means it now exposes its private fields via the Reflect trait rather than being treated as a value type. For code that relies on the Input<T> struct being treated as a value type by reflection, it is still possible to wrap the Input<T> type with a wrapper struct and apply #[reflect_value] to it.
  • As a reminder, private fields exposed via reflection are not subject to any stability guarantees.

Relax bounds on Option<T> #

If using Option<T> with Bevy’s reflection API, T now needs to implement FromReflect rather than just Clone. This can be achieved easily by simply deriving FromReflect:

// OLD
#[derive(Reflect, Clone)]
struct Foo;

let reflected: Box<dyn Reflect> = Box::new(Some(Foo));

// NEW
#[derive(Reflect, FromReflect)]
struct Foo;

let reflected: Box<dyn Reflect> = Box::new(Some(Foo));

Note: You can still derive Clone, but it’s not required in order to compile.

Remove ReflectMut in favor of Mut<dyn Reflect> #

  • relax T: ?Sized bound in Mut<T>
  • replace all instances of ReflectMut with Mut<dyn Reflect>

remove blanket Serialize + Deserialize requirement for Reflect on generic types #

.register_type for generic types like Option<T>, Vec<T>, HashMap<K, V> will no longer insert ReflectSerialize and ReflectDeserialize type data. Instead you need to register it separately for concrete generic types like so:

  .register_type_data::<Option<String>, ReflectSerialize>()
  .register_type_data::<Option<String>, ReflectDeserialize>()

Utility methods for Val #

It is no longer possible to use the +, +=, -, or -= operators with Val or Size.

Use the new try_add and try_sub methods instead and perform operations on Size's height and width fields separately.

Allow passing glam vector types as vertex attributes #

Implementations of From<Vec<[u16; 4]>> and From<Vec<[u8; 4]>> for VertexAttributeValues have been removed. I you're passing either Vec<[u16; 4]> or Vec<[u8; 4]> into Mesh::insert_attribute it will now require wrapping it with right the VertexAttributeValues enum variant.