Release Process

Bevy uses three-months-long development cycles, delimited by a weeks-long rolling release process.

This means that Bevy releases a new version roughly once every three to four months. In an effort to avoid crunch and encourage sustainable development, we do not pick specific dates or deadlines.

Development Cycles

During a three-month development cycle, Maintainers collect important PRs and issues into a GitHub Milestone. Issues included in the milestone are given priority, and the community generally makes a best-effort attempt to merge as many of these as possible over the duration of the cycle.

In the lead-up to a release (generally about two and a half months after the previous) we begin to aggressively purge the milestone of things that seem unlikely to be ready in time. The main things that tend to remain are:

  • Quick and easy features under active development.
  • Fixes for important regressions or crashes.
  • Large or impressive features that only need minor polish.

When the milestone is complete, we open a new working group to handle the release preparations, publish a release candidate (ex. 0.14.0-rc.1) and begin the release process.

Release Candidates

In the run-up to a release, Bevy publishes a new release candidate about once a week. Publishing release candidates allows users to identify bugs and regressions, gives ecosystem crates time to update so they can be ready closer to release day, and provides Bevy contributors extra time to write release notes and migration guides.

When publishing a release candidate, we also announce a general target release date. This is generally about one week out. If critical bugs or regressions are discovered during this testing window, we fix them and publish a new release candidate. Then we either

  • Announce a new date, if we believe more testing time is needed than the current window, or
  • Keep the same target release date if we believe there is enough time in the current window.

When we successfully hit a release candidate's target date, we do the final release.

Release Checklist

When making a release, the Maintainers follow these checklists:

Minor Version

Minor Pre-release

  1. Check regressions tag.
  2. Check appropriate milestone and close it.
  3. Check GitHub Projects page for staleness.
  4. Run the generate-release tool.
    1. Create migration guide.
    2. Write blog post.
    3. Generate contributors list
    4. Generate change log.
  5. Update book.
  6. Bump version number for all crates, using the "Release" workflow.
    1. Change the commit message to be nicer.
  7. Create tag on GitHub.
  8. Edit GitHub Release. Add links to the Release announcement and Migration Guide.
  9. Bump latest tag to most recent release.
  10. Run the update-screenshots workflow to update screenshots. This will block blog post releases (and take ~40 minutes) so do it early.
  11. Run the build-wasm-examples workflow to update Wasm examples.

Minor Release

  1. Release on using bash tools/
  2. Announce on:
    1. HackerNews
    2. Bluesky / Mastodon
    3. Reddit: /r/bevy, /r/rust, /r/rust_gamedev
    4. Discord: Bevy, Game Development in Rust, Rust Programming Language Community
    5. This Month in Rust Game Development newsletter
    6. This Week in Rust newsletter

Minor Post-release

  1. Bump version number for all crates to next versions, as 0.X-dev, using the "Post-release version bump" workflow, to ensure properly displayed version for Dev Docs.
  2. Update Bevy version used for Bevy's website's learning-code-examples tool (code example validation and formatting for the learning materials) to latest release.


Patch Pre-release

  1. Check appropriate milestone.
  2. Close the milestone, open the next one if anything remains and transfer them.
  3. Create a new branch release-0.X.Y from the latest tag, and cherry pick all PRs from the milestone to the new branch

git checkout latest
git checkout -b release-$version

prs=`gh pr list --repo bevyengine/bevy --search "milestone:$version" --state merged --json mergeCommit,mergedAt,title,number --limit 100`
while read -r commit number title <&3; do
    echo "PR #$number: $title ($number)"    
    if git cherry-pick $commit; then
      echo "please resolve conflict then press enter"
done 3<<(echo $prs | jq --raw-output '. |= sort_by(.mergedAt) | .[] | "\(.mergeCommit.oid) \(.number) \(.title)"')
  1. Bump version number for all crates, using the command from the "Release" workflow locally, with patch for the new version.
    • Change the commit message to be nicer: git commit --amend -m "Release 0.X.Y
  2. Create tag on GitHub.
  3. Edit GitHub Release. Add link to the comparison between this patch and the previous version.
  4. Bump latest tag to most recent release.
  5. Run the update-screenshots workflow to update screenshots.
  6. Run this build-wasm-examples workflow to update Wasm examples.

Patch Release

  1. Release on
    • bash tools/
  2. Announce on:
    1. Discord: Bevy, #announcements

Patch Post-Release

Release Candidate

RC Pre-Release

  1. Check appropriate milestone.
  2. For the first RC, create a new branch release-0.X.0 for the release from main.
  3. For following RCs, cherry pick all merged PRs from the milestone that are not yet in the release branch

git checkout release-$version.0

# List the last 100 PRs merged in the milestone
prs=`gh pr list --repo bevyengine/bevy --search "milestone:$version" --state merged --json mergeCommit,mergedAt,title,number --limit 100`
while read -r commit number title <&3; do
    # Ignore commits that are already present by sha
    if git merge-base --is-ancestor $commit HEAD; then
    # Ignore commits that are already present by PR number
    if git log --format=oneline | grep " (#$number)$" > /dev/null; then

    echo "PR #$number: $title ($number)"
    if git cherry-pick $commit; then
      echo "please resolve conflict then press enter"
done 3<<(echo $prs | jq --raw-output '. |= sort_by(.mergedAt) | .[] | "\(.mergeCommit.oid) \(.number) \(.title)"')
  1. Bump version number for all crates, using the command from the "Release" workflow locally, with rc for the new version.
    • Change the commit message to be nicer: git commit --amend -m "Release 0.X.0-rc.Y
  2. Create tag on GitHub.
  3. Edit GitHub Release. Add link to the comparison between this release candidate (rc) and the previous version.

RC Release

  1. Release on
    • bash tools/
  2. Announce on:
    1. Discord: Bevy, #dev-announcements

RC Post-Release

  1. Update Bevy version used for Bevy's website's learning-code-examples tool (code example validation and formatting for the learning materials) to latest release.
  2. Check that was able to build the documentation of all crates
for crate in `cargo test -p 2>&1 | grep '  bevy'`
    curl -s -i$crate/$version | grep "failed to build" | grep $version